通过问卷调查,我们发现,大多数居民对国家推行的四大类别——可回收物、厨余废弃物、有害废弃物和其他杂质—areall aware of the importance of garbage classification and its positive impact on environmental protection. However, a significant portion of respondents reported confusion regarding the correct sorting methods for certain types of waste, indicating a need for further education and awareness campaigns.
Despite the growing awareness among residents, many individuals face practical challenges in implementing effective waste sorting practices due to factors such as lack of convenient collection facilities and inadequate public education on proper sorting procedures. Additionally, some respondents expressed concerns about contamination risks when trying to sort complex materials like plastic packaging with multiple layers or mixed materials.
In light of these challenges and opportunities for improvement, we recommend that local governments invest in expanding waste collection infrastructure to provide easier access points for residents to deposit their sorted trash effectively. Furthermore, educational initiatives should be implemented at schools and community centers to enhance knowledge on proper waste management techniques.
Based on our findings from this survey report, we suggest that policy-makers develop more stringent regulations requiring businesses and households alike to participate actively in waste recycling programs while offering incentives for those who comply fully with the guidelines set forth by government authorities (e.g., tax breaks or subsidies). This approach would foster an environment where all stakeholders contribute towards sustainable development goals through responsible resource management practices within urban areas across China.