




(1) 埋在巷道下,不应小于0.80米。

(2) 埋在人行道下,不应小于0.60米。




二、 pipe connections

PE pipes employ heat fusion and electric fusion connections, with heat fusion including socket connections and butt-welded connections, and electric fusion including socket welds and lap-joint flanges; the company primarily adopts heat-fusion butt-welding for construction.

The main steps for this process are:

1., prepare materials: Place the pipes or fittings on a platform or against an adapter, leaving a 10-20mm allowance.

2., tighten: Select appropriate slide clamps to secure the pipes in preparation for cutting.

3., cut off any impurities or oxidation from the ends of the welded pipe segments and fittings.

4., align the two mating surfaces of adjacent pipe segments so that they meet at their centerlines with minimal offset (<10% of wall thickness), as excessive offsets can impair connection quality.

5., apply heat to achieve temperatures between 210-230°C; winter/summer add-on board heating times differ; ensure both ends melt about 1-2mm during assembly.

6., remove heating plates while keeping contact between melted surfaces under pressure until they cool down completely, ensuring high-quality joints by minimizing cooling periods.

7., complete welding after allowing joint edges to solidify without generating residual stress or distortion.

8., maintain steady pressure during cooling until it reaches room temperature.

三、Installation Construction

1.. Check if trenches comply with installation requirements before installing PE pipes, inspecting them for sagging, cracks, wear marks or scratches; replace defective ones promptly.

2.. Set concrete footings using C20 concrete at bends (elbows), tees (T-connectors), reducers (reducers), check valves (valves) & ball valves when necessary; use brick-laid footings for gate valves & globe valves instead of concrete bridges due to their smaller size compared to other types like butterfly valve etc..

3.. Use steel-plastic transition adapters when connecting metal tubes & devices such as actuators alongside PE piping systems because this will improve resistance against corrosion over time without compromising its flexibility within these complex networks while also reducing costs associated with maintenance work later down line where more frequent repairs may be required based upon expected lifespan calculations made earlier during initial planning stages prior starting up full scale operations fully operational once completed successfully following all safety guidelines strictly adhered too throughout entire duration project being carried out professionally done job well done!

标签: 智能化方案